Tournament Registration Instructions

The tournaments have no entry fees and no prizes. Bragging rights only!

The dates of the tournaments are as follows:

EventSignup ByStartEnd
Men’s and Women’s SinglesAug 6Aug 9Sep 28
Mixed DoublesAug 27Aug 29Sep 21
Men’s and Women’s DoublesSep 10Sep 13Oct 5
Tournament Schedule for 2025

Signup for all tournaments begin on July 1, 2025. You can register by logging into your membership account, then click on “Register for Adult Programs”:

which takes you here:

and then click on “Year End Tournaments” button at top left of page which takes you here:

then click on “Register Now” in the “Status” column of your desired tournaments. Then fill out the brief form and be careful not to register for a family member (unless you actually are). If registering for doubles, please enter your partner’s name in the “Additional Info” field. BOTH partners of a doubles team must register.

Once sign up deadlines are reached, draws for each tournament will be created and published on this web site. You can find all the details of the tournaments including the draws here. For each match, contestants must bring a new can of tennis balls. Decide which can they wish to use in that match and then the winner(s) will take the unopened can at the end of the match (which they can bring to the next match).

There will be no consolation rounds. If the registration for any given tournament is “insufficient” then that tournament will be cancelled.

Contestants are responsible for:

  1. Being available from the start thru to the end date of the tournaments for which they are registered. Do not register for a tournament if you expect to be unavailable at any time between the start and end dates.
  2. Contestants must book their own courts. Some courts will be pre-booked for tournament matches.
  3. Contestants must email the scores/results of their matches to